Guest Post- Bianca from Goodnight Little Spoon

Today, the lovely Bianca from GoodnightLittleSpoon will be guest blogging. I’ve been following Bianca’s blogging adventures for a good while, and I just adore everything she posts. I hope you feel the same.

Hi there, this is Bianca.
Carla asked me if I’d like to put together a guest post while she’s away from her blog and I racked my brain for something crafty to share. Carla is kind of a crafting magician. She makes such wonderful things and is a very clever crafter. I have just finished up university for the year and while I’ve got lots of extra time on my hands, I’ve been lacking in inspiration. My remedy for this is that usually, if I put all my favourite crafting supplies in front of me, something craft eventuates. So, here is a list of my favourite crafting supplies. I find that simple materials are usually best.
What are your favourites?
x Bianca

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