Guest Post- Rosey from Sushi Candy

Today's Guest Post comes from my friend Rosey. I met Rosey through the Ball Jointed Doll hobby, where she made beautifully intricate clothing for the dolls. I've come to adore every single one of her endeavors, and wondered how she'd get it all done, and today's post gives us a bit of insight into how.… Continue reading Guest Post- Rosey from Sushi Candy

Guest Post- Rebecca from Ms.Stitcher

Today's guest blogger is Rebecca from Ms. Stitcher. She's a relatively new blogger, who posts up some very lovely crafts! I hope you enjoy her post.-CarlaFabulous Felt and Easy Peasy PincushionHi, I am absolutely thrilled to be writing a guest post for Tiny Angry Crafter! I've been following for a while and when I saw… Continue reading Guest Post- Rebecca from Ms.Stitcher

Guest Post- Bianca from Goodnight Little Spoon

Today, the lovely Bianca from GoodnightLittleSpoon will be guest blogging. I've been following Bianca's blogging adventures for a good while, and I just adore everything she posts. I hope you feel the same.-Carla//Hi there, this is Bianca.Carla asked me if I'd like to put together a guest post while she's away from her blog and… Continue reading Guest Post- Bianca from Goodnight Little Spoon