The most darling suit

I don’t know what it is about a modern suit, but I always feel weird in one.

I’m always either too tightly enveloped in some areas, or too loose in others. In a word, unflattering.

TinyAngryCrafts, 1950s suit

Since getting into vintage fashion, I’ve been wanting a suit to call my own. I’ve come close while shopping, but they’d always be out of my price range. Thank goodness for instagram. I was checking out some instasale pages, and saw that CanaryClubSale had a suit for sale.

There were a few flaws, but nothing my little fingers couldn’t fix. (Missing button? No problem, salvage that extra seam fabric!)
I asked about size, and decided to bite the bullet.

TinyAngryCrafts, 1950s suit

It arrived a couple days later, and I tried it on. It fit like a glove!

TinyAngryCrafts, 1950s suit
TinyAngryCrafts, 1950s suit

I’ve got lordosis, so fit in skirts is often hit or miss. For a pencil skirt, this is a hit! I need to give it a bit of love, and take it to the cleaners, but I am so so so happy with this purchase. I’m smelling a new collection brewing.

TinyAngryCrafts, 1950s suit

Do you have any vintage suits?
Have you had to do a bit of jerry-rigging to fix a garment?

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