A Victory Knit

As you recall from a previous post, I knit myself a sweater! A sweater I’m actually proud of!
tinyangrycrafts vintage knit sweater V for Victory

I used the 3-Hour sweater pattern, and it took me a couple months to create it.

tinyangrycrafts vintage knit sweater V for Victory
I’m pretty sure if I actually measured it in terms of knitting time, and not the days I set my knitting down, it probably would have been a couple of days.
tinyangrycrafts vintage knit sweater V for Victory

I followed the pattern to a T, and the only thing I changed,aside from adding in the color work, was knitting the sleeve patterns the opposite way. The written way was very confusing to me.
The pattern itself ended up very very short on me, thanks to my chest. But I rather like it. I have to wear a shirt under it though.

tinyangrycrafts vintage knit sweater V for Victory

I first wore the sweater to the SD Vintage Flea Market, and a lot of people thought it was an authentic vintage sweater, which made me very happy. When I told them I made it, they were very excited and impressed.
The second time I wore it was the day I took the photos to school. Loads of compliments, and ‘where’d you get it?’

Outfit Details

Scarf- Melrose Flea Market
Earrings- VaVoomVintage’s instagram sale
Sweater- Made by me
Skirt- Made by me
Bangles- Various
Socks- Target
Shoes- Ross

It was my first time doing something with a lot of colorwork in it. I was inspired by WWII-era patriotism, and the whole Make Do and Mend movement. I frogged this yarn from two different projects, and the red and blue came from scrap balls of yarn.

I sketched up the sweater on a scrap of paper in class, then gathered up a lot of graph paper. The pieces were color coded, and stitched up according to how’d they fit on the pattern.

I mostly worked on this during my breaks at school, a lot of people were curious as to why I’d knit a sweater when I could just buy one. (Surprisingly, a lot of these people who asked were fellow fashion majors. Go figure.) I love challenging myself, and putting my heart into a project.

I know I’ll use this pattern again, in fact, I’m charting up another pattern for one, and I can’t wait to get the yarn for it. I’m thinking of getting Knit Picks yarn, as I’d like to have a nice wool sweater .

Knitting Details
Yarn: 100% Acrylic yarn. Vanna’s Choice in Mustard, Scarlett and Colonial Blue
Pattern: 3-Hour Sweater
Year: 1930’s
Notions: Plastic button from stash
How historically accurate is it? Eh, pretty accurate, despite it being made with acrylic. I’m sure some person in the 40’s would use a past pattern, and add colorwork to it. Make Do and Mend, ya know?
Any tricky parts to the pattern?  Well, the sleeve knitting was a bit tricky, so I reversed how it was done. And the seaming was sort of difficult, but I figured it out. And not so much the patterns fault, but the ‘C’ was supposed to be more centered.
Did you change anything?  Sleeve knitting method.
Time to complete: Couple months.
First worn: November 2014
Total cost: I don’t remember. I used yarn from past projects
Notes: I LOVE the sweater, but I’m sure when I knit it again, and I most certainly will, I’ll make it longer.

Have any of you knit anything recently? Have you made anything with colorwork?

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