"Are you sure it wasn’t made for you?"

Title coming from something my sister said in regards to the dress I bought and finally wore.

Collar detail

I kindly asked my grandma if I could borrow one of my late great-aunts hats to use in some photos. She gladly agreed, and I asked my dad if he could take a couple pictures

tiny and fierce


You can sort of see the top detailing on the hat a bit on this one.

The girl in the feather hat

The veil should be covering my eyes, but it’s a very scratchy material, and I wear glasses, so no thank you.

Then, my younger sister stepped forward and took some more for me, and we had a blast.

shoulder detail


back detail



She had a lot of fun playing photographer, and offered her services whenever I needed them, so I think I’ll take her up on that offer more often. I’d love to wear this somewhere nice, so whenever I wear it, I’ll drag my ‘little’ (she’s 5ft 8in…) photographer with me.

This dress is super comfy, and stood the test of time. The day we did this mini shoot, it was in the high 80’s and we both feeling very uncomfortable and gross. But this being a silk dress, helped me stay cool. Gotta love those natural fibers.
And it was fun wearing the hat I was loaned, it made me realize I need to buy some more hats!

Have any of you made a super lovely purchase lately, and haven’t had the time to wear it?

Oh! And I was debating doing a sew along during next month. On either Sunday or Monday, I’ll have some more details about it, but to those I mentioned it to, they seemed to like it enough, so stay tuned!

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