#Damn, I am classy

Okay, here’s a bit of back story. I absolutely loathe (d) taking photos of myself. Well, in what I dub ‘normal’ clothes. If any of you see me at a convention, I’m happily posing in costume, and taking silly photos with friends. Outside the convention, I’m hiding from the camera, and burrowing into a jacket.

I made a little ‘resolution’ for myself at the start of the year, to boost my confidence more.
So I started with this photo. It was from a party a friend of a friend was having, and it went over very well. This made me happy, and I felt a little better about sharing what I wore.
On Valentines Day, I took a photo of my ensemble in a bathroom on my campus, and tagged it with ‘#damniamclassy’ on instagram (tinyangrycrafts), and I’ve been doing so ever since. (give or take how I’m feeling/if I’m not chained to the sewing machine)
It helps me see what I’ve warn, what items I tend to favor over others (those blue pants, anyone?), and it’s making me feel better about myself, which is super important.
Have any of you taken strides in being more self confident?

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