Busy Weekend

I’m trying to get as many things done while I still have ample free time. Don’t want to have that overworked feeling so early on in the semester!!

Panda Hat WIP
A friend asked me to make her a panda hat the other day, and this is how far I’ve gotten. I need to sew on the ears, and make the face! It’s already super adorable, I love it.
Fabric Scraps
I plan to do a bit of sewing later this evening, so I can deplete the growing stash of fabric scraps I have.
Can one call 5 rows of garter stitch a WIP? Well, I am. If I zone out on my netflix queue, I should finish this.
I’m still working on my organizational skills. So I’m figuring out how to plan blog posts. I’ve got some ideas for recurring things, such as Inspirational mosaics, work in progress days, and things that made me smile that week. Do any of you have any other ideas of things which can work?
Take care, and happy crafting.

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