Time for a giveaway!!


Hello everybody! I hope you all had lovely holidays. Mine were very quiet, as I mostly spent the day with my younger sister, watching the Doctor Who marathon.

I wanted to do something really nice for all of you, so I decided to have a little giveaway! The two prizes? A pair of wristwarmers, and an octopus! Yes, you heard me, two prizes for one lucky winner! Keep your hands nice and toasty in the New Year, and have a little octopode friend to keep you company.



How to enter:
1.Leave a comment with your email address. Yes, as simple as that.

Additional Entries: (please leave additional comments with each entry)

1. Follow Tiny.Angry.Crafter on Bloglovin’
2. Follow me on Twitter [link on sidebar]
3. Become a fan on Facebook
4. Tweet about this giveaway (please include @tinyangrycrafts, so I can find it)

Additional Information:
The contest will end, and the winner will be announced December 31st at 5:00pm PST Good luck to everyone!

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