Supply Run

So after class, I made a quick craft run. And by quick, I mean very quick. I surprised myself by not giving into seeing yarn on sale and buying it like it’s the last thing on earth.

But it was a very small craft run. Only embroidery hoops, and floss.


The larger hoop I bought a while back, the two smaller ones are the ones I got today. I’m thinking of spray painting one, and turning whatever will be stitched into a lovely gift. (or ya know, keep it for myself. Teehee)

embroidery floss

I spent a good bit staring down the floss. I wanted to get a lot of the blue, but the one I have was the only one in that color-way (which I’ve nicknamed Tardis Blue… -cough- Nerd? Who me?)

hearts cross stitch

Last night I made another heart for my hearts cross-stitch, and I think it looks lovely with a 3rd heart. No clue what I’ll do with it now. Maybe turn it into a bookmark?

tinyangry cross stitch

And this little number is a test for something I’ll be working on soon. The lettering is a tad wonky, but I like it. It’s readable. :3

I think I’m going to try to bring my camera with me more. I’m smack dab in the middle of so many pretty things, and every other blog I’m reading is posting photos of flowers, and awesome things they encounter. I encounter awesome things on my walks, but I never have a camera on me. And I’m sure lots of you would love to see photos from Balboa Park, right?

Have any of you gone on supply runs lately? Or have you snapped any pretty pictures?

Take Care, and Happy Crafting!

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